Film projects

Since 2014 I am producing documentary formats, with a focus on social resistance processes in Latin America and human rights violations against refugees in Europe. My first feature Documentary “until the sun dies” was shown in over 15 festivals and won the Silver Biznaga for Best Directing at the Festival de Málaga, the Salvador Allende Award at Festival de Libertés and the price for the best documentary at International Filmwochenende Würzburg. Next to feauture documentaries, I do documentary formats and campaign videos for different human rights organisations like #LeaveNoOneBehind, European Alternatives, Adveniat or Brot für die Welt.


About me

I film, I photograph, I write, I produce, I edit. Art is for me a constant learning process, a constant critical reflection of how we can shape the world and ourselves through creation. The question how to overcome the huge inequality and injustices that we are facing in our societies is what drives me in my work.


Photography / Journalism

A small collection from my archive of my work as a photographer and journalist.